Grant Ranch Village Center - Lakewood, Colorado
Grant Ranch Community Center and Clubhouse contacted us to install a Turnstile they ordered from Perey Turnstiles.
Perey took a deposit from them, and then went out of business.
When Aaron called me, I was the one that had to tell him that he would not get his Perey Turnstile. Anyway – he was lucky, because they used a credit card and were able to resolve the matter.
— We installed a Controlled Access HS430-PC Black
"Pat, Thanks again for all the help during this project.
If you need any reason to give Jesse1 and 2 raises it was this install!
Everything went great.
Also if you need any referrals or endorsements just ask… you saved my ass!"

Aaron L Clark
MPT, BSc, CPT, ILTP Instr. Assistant Manager
Grant Ranch Village Center
Grant Ranch Village Center